
Get Involved

Call us today for an appointment

Although new clients are encouraged to attend an Orientation Session, interested individuals may call the Tucson Indian Center at 884-7131 for basic information and to make an appointment.

Orientation Sessions

Attending an Orientation session will help you get acquainted with all that the Tucson Indian Center has to offer.  During this informative session, key staff members will provide you with in-depth information about programs, services, eligibility and enrollment. Call to register for a session that is held every Monday at 11:00 AM.

Use of Many Nations Community Room

Our Community Room offers space for people to use exercise equipment, read, and/or study, and other community events and presentations. Please call 884-7131 to schedule an appointment to use the Many Nations Community Room.

Receive Our Newsletter

Sign up to receive the monthly newsletter Native Wellness Voice. Contact us at (520) 884-7131 or webmaster@ticenter.org

Tucson Indian Center

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Site by CS Design Studios

Normal Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM