Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Evidence-based Trainings Provided by Suicide Prevention Educators:

QPR Gatekeeper Training

90 Min in person trainings

Gatekeepers can be anyone who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone who is or may be at risk of suicide.

This course teaches:

  1. Recognize some potential warning signs of suicide.
  2. Know how to offer hope.
  3. Know how to get help and save a life.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

8 hours in person training with pre-course work

Designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers & school staff, peers, neighbors, health & human service workers as well as any other caring human how to help a teen (12-18) experiencing a mental health, addictions challenge or a crisis. Course teaches 5-step action plan for how to help in crisis & non-crisis situations. Topics covered: anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders which may include psychosis, disruptive behavior disorders, and eating disorders.

Suicide Prevention Specialists & Educators are available at most Wellness Department events, in office and may be reached at or 520-884-7131

Current Specialists:  Misty Castro and Alyssa Dreiling and are funded by Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Postvention Grant

**The Suicide Prevention Team has Gun Locks and Deterra Drug Neutralizer Safe Disposal Bags for home use that are available for pick up anytime during business hours.  


Tucson Indian Center

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Normal Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM